Jacob Lundberg

Economist, Research Institute of Industrial Economics
(Institutet för Näringslivsforskning, IFN), Stockholm

I'm a researcher interested in how public policies, in particular tax and pension systems, affect incentives for work, the distribution of resources and economic efficiency.

Email: jacob.lundberg@ifn.se 


Recent research

Accepted for publication, Journal of the Economics of Ageing

This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the generational wealth transfer within Sweden’s public pay-as-you-go pension system introduced in 1960. Using extensive administrative registers, the paper quantifies the contributions made and benefits received by each birth cohort. The findings reveal a substantial fiscal imbalance favouring the initial generation (born in the early 20th century), who received a net gain of $1.5 trillion in today's present value, equivalent to up to 13% of their discounted lifetime income.

Accepted paperSlidesSummary in Swedish • Media coverage: Dagens Nyheter

This paper develops a comprehensive framework for analyzing the revenue, efficiency and social welfare implications of top income taxation. It generalizes the Saez (2001) formula for the optimal top tax rate by deriving analytical expressions for the Laffer curve and excess burden. Applied to the 2021 U.S. top federal tax bracket, assuming a taxable income elasticity of 0.25, the study finds an excess burden of $101 billion and a maximum potential revenue increase of $111 billion. In contrast, other English-speaking countries and Germany are positioned closer to their Laffer curve peaks, whereas the Nordic countries studied are on the downward-sloping part of the Laffer curve.

Working paperSlidesCountry dataOlder version Summary in Swedish
Media coverage: The Economist, Investors' Cronicle, Børsen, De Standaard

Working papers

Journal articles


Policy work in Swedish


Allt du behöver veta om skatter (Timbro förlag, 2021)

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